Time Critical Service

We understand & value the dimension of time in your day to day critical business. Hence, We cater to your critical time bound transits across International Destinations in our Time Critical Services for your business 24X7. We provide, Reliable, Secure, Specialized and Time Bound Services for your Business.

Our dedicated team reach out to you with

  • Dedicated Phone lines open 24X7
  • Timely responses to all enquiries / updates

Services for Automotives


We apply our Knowledge to your business needs, thus reducing your impact of Supply Chain Failures. We Ensure that all time bound transits are taken care of, thus ensuring you of your critical risk free and uninterrupted business operations. We are also AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) Certified.

Services for Aviations

We Understand that Aircraft On Ground (AOG) is critical to Aviations business, and steps to be taken care of in ensuring that supply materials and engine parts are availble on-time to ensure restoring operations of aircraft. We Take care of such time critical operations for you, to have a smooth availability of your supplies on-time. We are also AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) Certified.


Services for Pharma


We know that lifescience requires safe, secure, fast and specialized transits. We do offer such time critical services along with temperature controlled environments for your pharma industry, taking care of all your needs. We are also GDP (Good Distribution Practice) Certified.

Services for Hospitality

We value your time and cater to time bound transits across International Destinations of your Hospitality Services


Falcon Services


A Specialized time critical hand-carry shipment solution that operates a global network of On Board Couriers (OBC) guaranteeing a safe and prompt delivery of your critical or valuable international shipments

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